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Name: Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin
Title: CEO & Executive Director
Company: 40 Percent and Rising
Location: New York, NY

Tell us your backstory. How did you came to be the primary breadwinner for your family?

Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin Founder, The Gaia Project for Women’s Leadership; CEO, Gaia Project Consulting, LLC, New York, NY. Described as a “celebrated career coach” and “fearless entrepreneur,” Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin is the CEO of her own worldwide executive coaching and consulting firm, the Founder of The Gaia Project for Women’s Leadership, and the CEO and Executive.

  1. Ok, folks: #ResistanceLive today at 9:30 am PT/12:30 pm ET. Unavoidable delay. Comments/questions below pls. And please do help us meet our subscriber goal on Patreon by supporting this broadcast.
  2. 40 Percent and Rising was conceived from the challenges and successes of our primary breadwinner CEO and Executive Director, Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin, who is an ex-Wall Street lawyer, a high-powered Executive Coach, a wife, and a mother to two young children.

When I met my husband, he was an actor and off-broadway director, and I was a Wall Street lawyer with a big firm. I think at the time I was making somewhere in the range of 10 times what he was, and I knew that that was likely to continue when we got married. Shortly after we wed, my husband decided to go to culinary school, and by the time our first daughter was born, it became clear that his salary as a sous-chef wouldn’t cover full time child-care in New York City. As a result, he became a stay-at-home dad, and I became our sole breadwinner.

What have been your biggest challenges as a primary breadwinner?

There are a few. The first is that I desperately miss spending more time with my kids. It’s very hard to feel like I’m not seeing their daily progressions and growth, and to only get an hour or two with them most workdays. The second is coping with the gender dynamics of being a sole provider and a woman. The impact that this has had and continues to have on my marriage and my working life is enormous, and I candidly haven’t figured out all the answers yet, though we’re working on it daily.

Elizabeth Cronise Mclaughlin Twitter Page

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned along the way?

That quality time with my kids is more important than quantity. That being truly present to them during the time that I have is the best gift that I can give to them.

Elizabeth Cronise Mclaughlin Divorce

How do you manage your home life so that you can pursue your career and still be the partner and/or parent you want to be?

Ec Mclaughlin Twitter

We have a part-time nanny who comes in for three hours a day, and that really allows my husband the break he needs for exercise and self-care, which makes him a better partner and parent. I also am the one who does bathtime and bedtime for my kids at night, so that I get quality one-on-one time with each of them, and I have a ground rule that I never miss bedtime two consecutive nights in a row, no matter how compelling the work-related invitation might be.

Are there things you’re still working on?

Elizabeth C Mclaughlin Wikipedia

Oh yes. Navigating the cutting edge of the primary breadwinner revolution isn’t easy for anyone. I continue to pay attention to some serious latent anger I have about being the sole provider, even though consciously, I chose this role and and I enjoy what I do immensely. I think it’s particularly hard for women like me who were raised with feminist parents, but still got the message that we should “marry well” and expect men to provide for us financially, to acclimate ourselves to the death of that myth. For that reason, 40 Percent is working on some dynamic programming about coping with anger related to culturally imprinted expectations on behalf of our members.


What advice would you share with women who are struggling in the primary breadwinner role?

Keep going. Know that every problem has a solution. Be proud of your accomplishments. And most of all, decline to play the victim in your own story.

What most excites you about being a member of 40 Percent and Rising? What do you think are our most pressing private and public concerns as primary breadwinning women? What do you hope to see us achieve? Sports heads: soccer championshipbuddhist games.

My vision for 40 Percent and Rising is nothing short of changing the world and the lives of primary breadwinner women everywhere for the better. Let’s go! Warlords 2watermelon gaming.