
  1. UniGLTF - glTF2 importer and exporter for Unity-5.6 #opensource.
  2. I decided to integrate this library with UniVRM for maintenance reason (submodule burdensome). Continue updating within UniVRM. UniGLTF in UniVRM.

Skybox/Cubemap 内側にしか法線のない球を使う Sphere+UniGLTF 左右逆問題 解決 球の種類 外側から完全に見えないシェーダー 最後に Skybox/Cubemap ここでやったCubemapシェーダーをSphereに適用したやつを2つ使うときの話。 bibinbaleo.hatenablog.com このSphereを二つ置くと、描画順の関係で奥にあるものも前面に. It seems that 'Task' and 'System.Threading.Task' that other libraries have are in conflict. If you are not using a package that contains ADF (Assembly Definition File.

UniVRM is a Unity implementation of VRM. It can create, import and export VRM models.

VRM is a file format for using 3d humanoid avatars (3D models) in VR applications.
It is based on glTF2.0. Anyone is free to use it.

The imported VRM model has the following Data:



Stable Version

Versions without bug fixes will be picked up as stable versions.
To download the stable version, click the release tag (marked as Latest) as shown in the image below:

  1. Download UniVRM-0.xx.unitypackage
  2. Import UniVRM-0.xx.unitypackage into the Unity project

Latest Version

The latest version is marked as Pre-release:

Unitypackage to vrm
  1. Go to the releases page
  2. Download the latest UniVRM-0.xx.unitypackage
  3. Import UniVRM-0.xx.unitypackage into the Unity project

Script Samples

Contributing to UniVRM

Use the commands below to clone UniVRM repository and then open the UniVRM folder by Unity.

Blender Shader To Unity

See contributing guidelines.



Copy and paste the following git urls in Packages/manifest.json for UniVRM installation.
To upgrade/downgrade UniVRM version, for example, replace v0.66.0 with v0.71.0 or v0.63.2.