Just as Microsoft promised, another title has reached the PC version of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, this time delivering Halo 2: Anniversary to the platform for the first time. The remake has been an Xbox One exclusive until today and arrives to PC players only a couple of months after Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary.
Originally released in 2004 for Xbox and ported to PC in 2007, Halo 2 continues Master Chief's storyline and also adds a new perspective to the mix. The remake comes with quite a lot of enhancements over the original experience, bringing complete graphics and audio overhauls, new cinematics, and even a toggle to switch between the original and remake versions while playing, among other benefits.
The PC version, of course, comes with additional upgrades like uncapped frame rates, keyboard and mouse support, FOV adjustments, and more features the rest of the collection already shows off. Also, for the first time since Master Chief Collection reached PC, Theater mode has been officially enabled for Halo 2 and Halo: Reach, though Forge needs some more development time.

Old dominion meat and candy download torrent. Halo: The Master Chief Collection for PC is now available to purchase on the Microsoft Store and Steam for $39.99. However, purchasing just Halo 2: Anniversary is an option too, coming in at $9.99 on the aforementioned stores. Xbox Game Pass for PC subscribers now have the game available in their library as well.
Halo 2 is a shooter game, with players predominantly experiencing gameplay from a first-person perspective. Players use a combination of human and alien weaponry and vehicles to progress through the game's levels. The player's health bar is not visible, but players are instead equipped with a damage-absorbing shield that regenerates when not.

Halo 2 Steam Charts
- Halo Wars 2 is a real-time strategy game playable in native 4K Ultra HD graphics with HDR on the Xbox One X and Windows 10. Halo Wars 2 also supports Xbox Play Anywhere: Buy once, play on both Xbox and Windows 10. All-new, Action-packed Story – The heroes of Halo Wars awake to find themselves - and the galaxy - in more danger than ever.
- Halo: The Master Chief Collection for PC is now available to purchase on the Microsoft Store and Steam for $39.99. However, purchasing just Halo 2: Anniversary is an option too, coming in at $9.99.
- Bring Halo Wars 2 to Steam, Expand Feature Set & Provide Support Halo Wars 2 Community started this petition to 343 Industries and Halo Wars 2 is without a doubt the most successful new RTS release in the last 5 years. According to Metabase, a community-made API crawler, 121,000 players have played a multiplayer match in the last 90 days.
- Get Halo CE and Halo 2 on Steam Halo was a genre defining game. It can be attributed to many aspects that are see in modern FPS games today, and it developed a massive fanbase in short order. Fans had the joy of being able to play the games on both the Xbox and PC, buying boxed copies of the games that sold extremely well.