
Jan 21, 2021 MacFamilyTree is a really well supported product with good developer support and regular updates. Most recently it has been updated to feature a much improved layout, an improved streamlined interface and better performance on your Mac. You can try MacFamilyTree for free although the in the demo, you can’t save, print or export. MacFamilyTree’s intuitive user interface makes the otherwise time-consuming work of entering all information about family members comfortable and purposeful. Whenever you encounter new information, adding it to your data is a breeze.

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  1. Download MacFamilyTree for Mac Free. It is full Latest Version setup of MacFamilyTree 8.2.6 Premium Pro DMG for Apple Macbook OS X. Brief Overview of MacFamilyTree for Mac OS X. MacFamilyTree for Mac is a handy application that has been developed for letting you keep track of your whole family by using the genealogy graphs as well as reports.
  2. MacFamilyTree gives genealogy a facelift: modern, interactive, convenient and fast. Explore your family tree and your family history in a way generations of chroniclers before you would have loved. MacFamilyTree helps you capture your family history, and turns data and facts into conclusive reports and visually impressive charts.

MacFamilyTree Review by Peter Smyth, May 3, 2017

I have been building my family tree on PC/Macs since 1987 and MacFamily is the most beautiful product I have used but it was not designed by a genealogist as the the most basic but key functions are not provided.e.g.
-unique ID for each person searchable ( their simply does not work and cannot be displayed with the person in layouts)
-attributes for person that are not searchable/printable
-lost focus on the current person as you change views/reports etc (must search again for EVERY screen change to the same person)
-invalid GEDCOM import/export and rejections of data rather than storage in a notes field
-inability to merge a GEDCOM from another database into yours
-truncated source details - no overflow into even a NOTEs field
-REPOSOTORY only has name and address files , and rejects email/fax/phone etc rather than put into NOTES
-no compact way to print all info in an indented hierarchy to give people hard copy to check and correct

Hope this helps others understand the shortcomings of what could be an industry leader if simple things were fixed.
It forces me to do all my work in clunky Brothers Keeper (written by a genealogists for genealogists with great functionality) export it and print it from MacFamily.

Heres the Support request:
I sent the following list of suggestions to Mac Family Tree Support in June 2016 and have heard nothing back.

I have found the option to select Reference number and I have chosen “Reference Number” but this only appears on the edit screen and nowhere else on views or reports, so it does not help me a great deal.
It also is not good for searching as you can only use it in the DB search and not the sidebar person search.
When you do use it in the DB Search it searches for the number in other record numbers, other than the type you have selected, so you get heaps ! - Not just the one with the number entered.
This reference number for each person is key to genealogy research – I add it to every document, source and picture media etc to link then all together and readily find them.

CAN YOU PLEASE ADD THIS AS A FEATURE REQUEST – to switch on/of appendage of the Reference number to all view/reports etc. and provide a person search option on the ref No. ?
Currently the only way I can see to do this is to use the NICKname field and copy the Ref Number into the SURNAME field of Nickname.
I will have to write a macro or a program to do this each time that I import.

Genealogy Apps For Mac

Otherwise I could put the Ref No in a Nat ID No FACT but what can I do with that then ?
I can search on it by selecting search options but I cannot print/view/report it anywhere . So I cannot give it to anyone for reference.

Macfamilytree Forum

I have been using Brothers Keeper for 15-20 years for genealogy research and am forced to keep doings because of this critical lack of functionality in MacFamily.
I have transfer my data to MacFamily each time just to print attractive charts.
Very sad really when it could be such a useful tool.

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Another feature missing is further details about repositories.
Where and how you get info is critical.
A name and address is not enough. Repository have Emails, web Sites and names and organisations. These are held in Brothers Keeper but I cannot transfer them to MacFamily – they are rejected.
PHON (@R24@) — +xx(x)xxxxxxxxx
EMAI (@R24@) — xxxxx at

When I use the views and reports, I have to re-find the person I am working on EVERY time I switch views or reports.
It is very frustrating and a terrible waste of time.
Couldn’t you keep the current person referenced as the default focus person for each view/report so that you do not have to keep searching for the persons name or ref number every time to check ancestors or defendants or other relationships ?
You could readily have a last person button if you wanted to go back to some previously referenced person.
CAN YOU PLEASE ADD THIS AS A FEATURE REQUEST – use last person accessed as default for views/reports.

The other info that is lost is when a witness is at an event
1 ASSO @I304@
2 RELA Witness at event _EVN 2399
This is record as a GODparent
Couldn’t the text in the GED be used ?
CAN YOU PLEASE ADD THIS AS A FEATURE REQUEST – Allow relationships to be as a witness to an event not just GODPARENT .

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5. GEDCOM Compatibility
Attached is the GED file and rejects showing the fields not accepted
Person residence info
E.g. PHON (RESI - @I2@) — +xxx xxxx xxxx
EMAI (RESI - @I2@) — xxxxx at
WWW (RESI - @I2@) —
CAN YOU PLEASE ADD THIS AS A FEATURE REQUEST – Allow more flexible GEDCOM filed even if they only go in as free format texts notes so the info is not lost.

Biggest Pro: Stunning screen and report appearance
Biggest Con: frustrating inefficient interface, poor GEDCOM standard, cannot merge, poor repository & source support, data loss on import